
The Khateeb

In the digital age, the concept of reaching out to a masjid for fundraising evolved beyond traditional ways. A single application can serve as a powerful tool for fundraising, offering numerous benefits and reaching masjids across the United States.

About Us

In Katy, Texas, masjid administrators decided to develop a platform to connect masjids across the United States. The platform would serve as a hub for all the masjids requesting fundraising across the United States. It would also include a directory of masjids.
Why Us
The primary benefit of The Khateeb is its accessibility. It allows any masjid, regardless of location, to participate in fundraising efforts.
This inclusivity fosters a sense of unity among masjids nationwide, strengthening the collective mission to serve their communities.
The Khateeb provides a centralized platform for information dissemination. It ensures consistent messaging, reduces confusion, and enhances transparency.
Masjid Administrators can easily access information about the cause, the fundraising money, and the impact of their contributions.
Contact Us
We are happy to answer your questions. Please send your questions to or use contact form below.
© 2024 The Khateeb: Fundraising Scheduler